Tuesday, 22 October 2013

Pirate Adventure Writing

One fine day on the ocean, Princess Pirate was kidnapped by Mr Googley-eyes from her pirate ship, the Kingdom. Princess Pirate was kind and beautiful and married to King Jolly. King Jolly had a chicken called Jet. Jet saw Mr Googley-eyes kidnap Princess Pirate so he flew after the jet-boat as fast as his fluffy wings could fly. Unfortunately the jet-boat was too fast for Jet and he lost sight of them. Jet looked around for a safe place to rest. He landed on an island with a cave. Inside the cave lived Batman!
Jet begged Batman to help him save Princess Pirate. He clucked and clucked and pecked at Batman's feet. To get away from Jet's sharp beak Batman got in his Bat-plane and flew away. Jet the chicken got in the Bat-plane too, because he thought Batman was helping him rescue the princess.
Batman flew over Mr Googley-eyes jet-boat. Jet the chicken jumped up and started flapping in Batman's face. Batman couldn't see. Batman accidentally pushed the button that released the escape ladder.
Princess Pirate could see Batman's plane from the jet-boat and thought he had dropped the ladder to rescue her. So, she kicked Mr Googley-eyes overboard and grabbed the ladder.
Batman was very grumpy with Jet the chicken and Princess Pirate catching a ride on his Bat-plane, so he took them back to the Kingdom and dropped them off. King Jolly was upset that Batman didn't stay for the party to celebrate his brave rescue of Princess Pirate, so sent Batman some chocolate cake in the mail.
Unfortunately, Batman was allergic to eggs.
By Keala, Isaac, Jed and Ollie.

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